On Nov 28, 2007, at 01:05, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

On Nov 28, 2007, at 00:56, Nathan Brazil wrote:

Hi. I just installed the smpeg port on my Intel iMac running Leopard (10.5.0). Although the port seemed to have installed successfully, I got a pair of error messages during the fetch phase (see below).


--->  Fetching smpeg
---> Attempting to fetch smpeg-0.4.4.tar.gz from ftp:// ftp.lokigames.com/pub/open-source/smpeg/ ---> Attempting to fetch smpeg-0.4.4.tar.gz from ftp:// ftp.FreeBSD.org/pub/FreeBSD/ports/distfiles/
Error: No defined site for tag: lt, using master_sites


I can confirm this problem running MacPorts trunk, 10.4.11 Intel, Xcode 2.4.1.

"port info smpeg" shows you the maintainer email address. Or, to compute it yourself: If you see a maintainer without an @ in a portfile, then add @macports.org to get the email address. If you see a maintainer without an @ in the form b:a, then the email address of the maintainer is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The port should be updated to grab ltmain and ltconfig from their new home in the MacPorts repository. You could file a ticket in Trac and assign it to the maintainer.

I filed a ticket for this problem. A fix is attached to the ticket. Markus just needs to approve it.


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