to  whom  it  may  concern  (hopefully  one  of the macports

I've  got  this  message  from  `ports' today when trying to
upgrade the `ion3' window manager:

% port upgrade ion3:

This port has been removed due to concerns on the software license used.
Should you still want to install it, have a look at:
You can also choose to try out another window manager; to list all the
ones directly available using MacPorts, issue the following command:
port list category:x11-wm

I  know  about  the  trouble  with  the new license from the
`ion3' mailing list. without going into the details  of  the
license text, I nevertheless believe the real concern of the
author is that he should not be "spammed"  by  users  having
installed  some "obsolete"  (which means a few weeks old for
him) version. he seems to demand only clear notification  of
the users, which is an "interpretation-prone" thing.

since  `ion3'  actually  is a very fine window manager for a
certain type of work, may I ask  you  to  check  whether  it
would'nt  be  sufficient  to  modify  the  package info line
accordingly with some "wildcard" disclaimer of the kind:

"if  this  version is older than xxx weeks, please take note
that this version is considered "obsolete" by  the  original
author. upgrade manually to the most recent version found at  before  sending   bug
reports or questions to the author"

I'm  under  the  impression that there is no real issue here
apart from the ion3 author  creating  a  complication  which
you,  the  package  maintainer  may find unnecessary (you're
probably  right).  

I'd  appreciate  very  much  seeing `ion3' again on macports
(and  one  could  give  other  systems  (e.g.  FreeBSD,  the
different  Linuxes)  a  hint  how  to  circumvent/solve  the
license issue).

thanks a lot (for macports in general I mean)

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