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On Jan 4, 2008, at 15:55, Charlse Darwin wrote:

$ sudo port install mldonkey
--->  Configuring mldonkey
Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/ _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_net_m ldonkey/work/mldonkey-2.8.5" && ./configure --prefix=/opt/local " returned error 1
Command output:
     Checking system tools.
checking for ranlib... ranlib
checking for gmake... gmake
checking for make... (cached) gmake
checking if gmake is GNU make ... yes
checking for bzip2... bzip2
checking for gzip... (cached) bzip2
checking for perl... /opt/local/bin/perl
checking for rpmbuild... no
checking for rpm... no
checking for wget... wget
     Checking system tools finished.

     Checking Ocaml compiler.
checking for ocamlc.opt... /opt/local/bin/ocamlc.opt
checking for ocamlc... /opt/local/bin/ocamlc.opt
checking for camlp4... /opt/local/bin/camlp4
Need build
********  Objective-Caml 3.09.3 is required  *********
*******  Check  ********
Do you want this script to try to download and install ocaml
LOCALLY in mldonkey directory ?
./configure: line 4612: read: read error: 0: Bad file descriptor

Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
$ port -q info --version ocaml

I agree. I get the same thing. Maybe mldonkey 2.8.5 just does not work with ocaml 3.10.0 (since it says it needs "3.09.3" (and not "3.09.3 or later")). You should file a ticket in our issue tracker and assign it to the maintainer of the mldonkey port. Maybe updating the port to the current version of mldonkey, 2.9.2, would help. You could edit the portfile yourself and test whether updating to 2.9.2 works; if it does, you can attach your diff to the ticket.

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