Oh, here's what I was remembering:


Its not free (and probably not remote), so hopefully someone else on this list can offer up a shell account on a Mac.


On Mar 14, 2008, at 8:18 AM, Tim Holy wrote:

I'm one of the main developers for a GPLed kid's educational game, TuxMath. (http://www.tux4kids.com). I develop on Linux, but my daughters' school uses Macs. Our Mac port is woefully out of date, and the teachers at their school
are eager to get it updated.

The other main developer of TuxMath has started a macports project for
TuxMath, but it's apparently running into snags in the build process. I'd
like to try to help out, but I don't have a Mac.

Is there a way to get some kind of developer account on a Mac somewhere (preferably one already set up as a macports development environment), so that I could work on it remotely? I have the impression that Debian has servers for the use of their developers, I wonder if there is something
analogous for Macs.

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