As a maintainer who is sometimes "away", I like the idea in principle, 
but I think there may be a  simpler problem that will affect whether 
this is necesary. The volume on the MP lists has gone up astronomically 
of late, meaning that I have to shunt my MP email into a folder and read 
it itermittently. If there was some way to indicate that something 
required action by me, I would be much more responsive. I can't think of 
anything particularly good, but perhaps a standard prefix of "action: 
username" that I can filter for...

As for the proposal, it seems fine, since people can easily opt out. I 
tend to think that people won't use it, but I see no harm in it.

I would, however, like to be a more responsive maintainer, so it would 
be nice if there were some standard way to see which of the MP e-mails I 
really need to read, and which can wait for a week or so.

-- Sal

On Mon, 17 Mar 2008, Rainer Müller wrote:

o Rainer Müller wrote:
o > It happens from time to time that some maintainer is busy with work or
o > school, has to move, is on vacation or attends some other event which
o > prevents him from taking action on new tickets.
o > 
o > So I want to setup a new wiki page (like MaintainerAway) where anybody can
o > add himself with a small explanation how long he is going to be away and
o > maybe also why.
o > 
o > If someone adds himself onto this wiki page all of his/her ports will be
o > treated like if they have openmaintainer on them, so anybody can commit
o > updates without explicit permission. This should be taken like a temporarily
o > openmaintainer status. Or the maintainer could also add someone else who
o > should take care of his/her ports for this time.
o > 
o > The main advantage would be that the 72h delay does not have to pass as the
o > maintainer will not answer anyway.
o So, this proposal was out now for about a week and nobody replied. If you
o don't like it, please tell me at least why you think it is not a good idea.
o Normally if I get no reply on a proposal, I would just take this as "no
o objections". But this time it is important that you as developers and
o maintainers are going to accept and use it. Therefore it would have been nice
o to get some replies what you think about this topic.
o Now it seems like nobody cares about it. Do you think we don't need this at
o all? Do you think nobody would use it? Or do you have another better solution?
o Rainer
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  Salvatore Domenick Desiano
    Doctoral Candidate
      Robotics Institute
        Carnegie Mellon University
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