On Apr 6, 2008, at 16:28, John Velman wrote:

On Sun, Apr 06, 2008 at 07:55:41PM +0900, Randy Bush wrote:
Randall Wood wrote:
On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 12:13 AM, Randy Bush <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
< insert old unix geek whining about macos and unsearchable mailman
 mailing list archives >

I search it using Google, e.g.:

http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&q=site% 3Alists.macosforge.org+foo&btnG=Search

trying to install rdiff-backup. it, and py-xattr want to install python 2.4 port when there is a perfectly good python 2.5 native in leopard. i can not find the equivalent of freebsd's /usr/local/etc/ pkgtools.conf to whack the port's build parms. and doc reading does not give me a lot of

I can speak to why we don't use the system python, but not to rdiff-backup:

The system python would have to be modified to see the
MacPorts-installed python packages or MacPorts would have to stick
those packages outside of its managed directory. MacPorts uses a
single managed directory[1] to avoid collisions with other software
that would break the ability to manage the ports. To avoid modifying
the system python, MacPorts installs its own python as well.

[1] /opt/local by default. There are some exceptions
/Applications/MacPorts so that apps just work and are visible in the
Applications directory and a couple of others related to bootstrapping
in MacPorts to begin with.

as i sit here watching a whole parallel universe of gnu utils, python, ... being built and installed, i am not comfortable. i know that i will
now have to maintain this overbuilt universe as time passes.

Sorry you're not comfortable with it, but MacPorts is designed to use its own libraries, not system libraries, wherever possible. See the FAQ:

http://trac.macports.org/projects/macports/wiki/ FAQ#WhyisMacPortsusingitsownlibraries

and then i get the appended and wonder how i scrape all this stuff i do
not need out.  sqlite?  someone's kidding, right?

sqlite3 is currently an indirect dependency of subversion. I guess you either asked to install subversion, or something else that you asked to install required subversion in order to download its source.

I can tell you how to build subversion 1.4.6 without sqlite3. However, note that as of subversion 1.5.0, sqlite3 will be required by subversion itself and will therefore no longer be optional. To build subversion without sqlite3:

sudo port clean --work apr-util subversion
sudo port install apr-util +no_sqlite
sudo port install subversion

To discover this, examine the available variants of the ports. For example:

port variants apr-util

apr-util has the variants:
        universal: Build for multiple architectures
        no_bdb: Build without BerkeleyDB support
        no_sqlite: Build without sqlite support
        openldap: Build with OpenLDAP support
postgresql82: Build with postgres support (using postgresql v8.2)

--->  Fetching sqlite3
---> Attempting to fetch sqlite-3.5.7.tar.gz from http:// www.sqlite.org/
--->  Verifying checksum(s) for sqlite3
--->  Extracting sqlite3
--->  Configuring sqlite3
--->  Building sqlite3 with target all
Error: Target org.macports.build returned: shell command " cd
"/opt/local/var/macports/build/ _opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_data bases_sqlite3/work/sqlite-3.5.7"
&& gnumake all " returned error 2
Command output: sed -e s/--VERS--/3.5.7/ ./src/sqlite.h.in | \
        sed -e s/--VERSION-NUMBER--/3005007/ >sqlite3.h
/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -O2 -o mkkeywordhash  ./tool/mkkeywordhash.c
./mkkeywordhash >keywordhash.h
/usr/bin/gcc-4.0 -O2 -o lemon ./tool/lemon.c
cp ./tool/lempar.c .
cp ./src/parse.y .
./lemon  parse.y
mv parse.h parse.h.temp
f ./addopcodes.awk parse.h.temp >parse.h
/bin/sh: f: command not found
gnumake: [parse.c] Error 127 (ignored)
cat parse.h ./src/vdbe.c |  -f ./mkopcodeh.awk >opcodes.h
/bin/sh: -f: command not found
cat: stdout: Broken pipe
gnumake: *** [opcodes.h] Error 127

Error: The following dependencies failed to build: subversion apr- util
sqlite3 neon
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.

This bug has been reported here:


I've added you to the Cc list so you'll be informed of its progress. The message "f: command not found" suggests to me that it could not find some program that it needed, whose name should have appeared before "f". It may help if you clean ("sudo port clean --work sqlite3") and then build again with debug output enabled ("sudo port - d install sqlite3") and attach that output to the ticket, to assist the maintainer in finding a solution.

Three parallel universes! I've also got Fink, but I don't remember why! As an old Unix/Linux user (not expert, but journeyman) I went over to Mac when my 8 year old PC (with slackware) seemed too difficult for some new
things, and Leopard + the new iMac was a package I couldn't not try.

Reading up before hand I found advice to install either or both of MacPorts and Fink. I didn't at first, but the SWI prolog Mac community seemed to be using MacPorts, so I got it. Also wanted gvim, so got vim package from MacPorts. And so on. I've now got 35M in my /opt/local/bin file, and 6.5M
in my sw/bin file.

Installing MacPorts and Fink at the same time is not supported. Software from the one might start linking with libraries from the other. When you run into problems because of this, nobody here will be able to help you with it. If there is something you need which is in Fink but not in MacPorts, please let us know by filing a port request ticket so that it can be added to MacPorts.

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