[Cross-posting for maximum coverage, please reply-all with care]

I'm in the process of migrating to the new auth/trac/svn system for MacPorts. So right now, trac.macports.org should be using shorter URLs (minus the /projects/macports/ portion of the URI), however, you may find that login/logout are broken. For the old, stable behavior, for now, continue to browse via <http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/macports/ >.

Once some DNS changes propagate, I can deploy the last bit of the new system which will clean everything up (should happen by the end of the week). Once I declare the move complete, please start filing tickets for anything that doesnt work for you (or for additional improvements you would like to see).

Thank you for your patience during our maintenance.

William Siegrist
Mac OS Forge

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