I'm getting more confused every 10 minutes with this apache installation.

I installed apache2:
sudo port installed | grep apache
   apache2 @2.2.9_1 (active)

The manual says version 1.3
Error pages say 1.3.41.

Prior to this, in uninstalled all the apache modules and deleted the 
/opt/local/apache2 directory and then installed apache2.

Versions don't match up.

I'm lost.  These kinds of things aren't expected.

So, first.  How does mac ports install version 1.3 when someone has 
specified 2.2.9?  Hacked website?

Assuming that it's just a matter of someone not updating any of the 
documentation between the mac port for 1.3.41 and 2.2.9 then I've worked 
myself into another problem with this installation.

ServerRoot "/opt/local/apache2"
ErrorLog "logs/error_log"

As for the httpd.conf I just copied the original/http.conf over to 
conf/httpd.conf and restarted apache.  No logs.  Even when I create an 
error (like page not found or others) I have no files, nothing for 
access_log or error_log.

OK, I found that even after apachectl stop there are still processes 
running.   So, after a killall I managed to get something working (found 
error_log and access_log).  But the versions are still incorrect.
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