On Jul 6, 2008, at 08:16, Chris Janton wrote:

> On 2008-07-05 , at 23:56 , Bill Hernandez wrote:
>> I posted a bug report:
>> http://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=45437
>> Bug #45437   Calls to imagettftext crash
>> Same exact problem has been reported as Bug #44524, but has been
>> written off as bogus.
>> Problem:
>> ------------
>> Calls to imagettftext always fail with no error on Leopard 10.5.3
>> when run under MacPorts Apache 2.2.6, PHP 5.2.5 and the GD library.
>> Reproduce code:
> I can see why they claim it is bogus.
> PHP (5.2.6) produces the image just fine...
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:Sites:133 $ which php
> /opt/local/bin/php
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:Sites:134 $ php --version
> PHP 5.2.6 (cli) (built: May 25 2008 13:28:23)
> Copyright (c) 1997-2008 The PHP Group
> Zend Engine v2.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Zend Technologies
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:Sites:135 $ php foo.php >zippy.png
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:Sites:136 $ ls -al zippy.png
> -rw-r--r--  1 face  staff   892B Jul  6 05:33 zippy.png
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:Sites:137 $ open zippy.png
> Preview happily shows me the image.
> I suspect the PHP folks will tell you that this is a problem with
> Apache, or the way that you have built Apache.
> Note that I can run this example just fine with Apache 1.3.
> Further investigation points to this page
>       http://90kts.com/blog/2008/installing-gd-libraries-for-leopard- 
> apache-php-525/
> where you will find bits and pieces like...
> "i have the same problem with ttf fonts… can someone help? this says
> the log file:
> The process has forked and you cannot use this CoreFoundation
> functionality safely. You MUST exec().
> Break on
> () to debug."
> and
> "I think the reason is posted here:
> http://developer.apple.com/releasenotes/CoreFoundation/ 
> CoreFoundation.html
> CoreFoundation and fork()
> Due to the behavior of fork(), CoreFoundation cannot be used on the
> child-side of fork(). If you fork(), you must follow that with an
> exec*() call of some sort, and you should not use CoreFoundation APIs
> within the child, before the exec*(). The applies to all higher-level
> APIs which use CoreFoundation, and since you cannot know what those
> higher-level APIs are doing, and whether they are using CoreFoundation
> APIs, you should not use any higher-level APIs either. This includes
> use of the daemon() function."
> SO - it boils down to getting the maintainer of freetype  
> (Maintainers: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ) to look at the implications of the following configuration options
>    --with-quickdraw-toolbox
>                            use MacOS QuickDraw in ToolBox, if  
> available
>                            (default=yes)
>    --with-quickdraw-carbon use MacOS QuickDraw in Carbon, if available
>                            (default=yes)
> and if they should be changed, or a variant made available for Leopard
> users.
> Clear as mud?

Exactly. I don't see that I need to make any change in the freetype  
portfile. If a change needs to be made in freetype, it should be the  
developers of freetype that do so. Feel free to file a bug with them.

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