On Jul 26, 2008, at 18:32, William Davis wrote:

> On Jul 26, 2008, at 6:17 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> On Jul 26, 2008, at 10:40, William Davis wrote:
>>> the version of jed offered by macports seems to need an upgraded
>>> version of slang to compile:
>>> ******
>>> slang.h (version=10409) does not match the slang library version  
>>> (20103)
>>> Did you install slang as a shared library?  Did you run ldconfig?
>>> Perhaps you need to set the RPATH variable in the Makefile.
>>> You have an installation problem and you will need to check the  
>>> variables in the Makefile and properly set them.
>>> Also try: make clean; make
>>> ******
>> I updated jed to 0.99-18 in http://trac.macports.org/ticket/14872
>> I did not and still do not have any trouble installing it with  
>> slang 1.4.9.
>> However I see there is also a slang2 port which provides version  
>> 2.1.3. Have you somehow installed both slang and slang2? It should  
>> not be possible since both of these ports install ${prefix}/ 
>> include/slang.h.
> right on the money! uninstalled slang2, and jed compiles with no  
> problems.
> thanks, Ryan. (btw way they were both shown as active.)

Did you force the activation of either slang or slang2? MacPorts  
should have complained when you tried to activate the second of the  
two because they both install the file ${prefix}/include/slang.h.

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