On Jul 30, 2008, at 06:25, Michael Thon wrote:

> The port of the ncbi_tools package would really benefit from having a
> couple of environment variables set for users at install time.  When I
> took over the package I asked if there was a way for a Portfile to do
> this and the answer (at that time) was no.  Maybe something has
> changed since?

It's still no, but for wine and mapm3, I installed a wrapper script  
to set needed environment variables. Check it out. I recommend the  
mechanism used by mapm3; I'll change the wine port's method to use  
mapm3's method soon. (Put the real binary in ${prefix}/lib/${name}/;  
put the wrapper in ${prefix}/bin/ and write it to cd to ${prefix}/lib/ 
${name}/ and run the real program with the same arguments.)


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