On Aug 2, 2008, at 9:01 AM, Tabitha McNerney wrote:
I noticed that quite recently Ticket #15791 was closed, regarding mod_python 3.3.1 experiencing build failure - compilation errors.

yes, it looks like a patch was included to fix the mod_python problem.

On my Xserve running Mac OS X Server 10.5.1, I have only apr and apr- util versions 1.2.12 but I noticed the maintainer (D. Luke) has upgraded to versions 1.3.2 ...

Macports tries to track the most recent stable releases from upstream, so I try to update the ports I maintain whenever there is a new stable release.

is there any reason why I can't stick with 1.2.12 for both apr and apr-util, and then try to use the update to mod_python (apparently per commit 38757) for this fix?

I don't understand why you would want to use both the workaround (downgrading apr/apr-util) and the fixed mod_python which should work.

Only you can determine what course of action is most appropriate for the systems you are running.

Also, I have a similar error with mod_python25. The mod_python25 fix seems rather difficult to follow also in the bugs tracking system because we have a page that points to:

Ticket #13930

as well as Ticket #14840 which is now a duplicate of 13930

Those look like the environment variable bug (fixed in trunk - we really should make a new release if only for that fix).

and the very recently re-opened Ticket #16153 (which is more specific to a conflict beween mod_python25 and apr 1.3.2 but am not sure about apr 1.2.12).

It looks like that ticket was re-opened for another reason (it installs a file that conflicts with mod_python).

Daniel J. Luke
| *---------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----------------* |
| *-------------- http://www.geeklair.net -------------* |
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