On Sep 16, 2008, at 1:39 PM, Scott C. Kennedy wrote:

> I'm still having this issue after waiting 6+ hours. :)
> Biko:~ sck$ sudo port selfupdate
> MacPorts base version 1.600 installed
> Downloaded MacPorts base version 1.600
> The MacPorts installation is not outdated and so was not updated
> sudo porselfupdate done!
> Biko:~ sck$ sudo port sync
> Biko:~ sck$ sudo port clean --all sane-backends
> --->  Cleaning sane-backends
> Biko:~ sck$ sudo port install sane-backends
> --->  Fetching sane-backends
> --->  Attempting to fetch sane-backends-1.0.19.tar.gz from http:// 
> alioth.debian.org/frs/download.php/1669/

That line shows it's still using the old Portfile; the new one has  
2318 at the end of the URL instead of 1669.

I wonder if the rsync server is not picking up changes from the  
repository for some reason?

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