On Jan 27, 2009, at 06:58, Timothy Lee wrote:

On Jan 27, 2009, at 1:16 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:

Both copies of the port want to install the same file, /Library/ LaunchAgents/org.freedesktop.dbus-session.plist. This is a startup item of sorts that Mac OS X looks for at system startup to start a service. This file cannot be placed in a different directory, otherwise it will not have any effect. That is why this file's location is not confined to ${prefix} and why its location is not configurable. So with the way the dbus port is currently written, I'm afraid you cannot have it installed and activated simultaneously in more than one MacPorts install on a single machine.

The same would be true of any port that uses the startupitem portfile keywords or manually installs launchd plists.

Some such ports offer +no_startupitem variants to turn off the installation of such files; see e.g. the apache2 port. If that is appropriate for dbus, such a variant could be added there.

Hm... the portion regarding startupitem_type in macports.conf makes it sound like setting this variable to "none" is the 'big hammer' and that all portfiles specifying startup items are explicitly overridden. Is this not true?

Yes, except that dbus installs this plist manually, not using the startupitem keywords, so startupitem_type would have no effect for dbus.

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