Wouldn't it be better and faster to do the check at request time rather than wait until everything has been done and then request if an update is wanted rather than an install?

On Mar 22, 2009, at 6:56 AM, Rainer Müller wrote:

Darren Weber wrote:
What is up with port? It just ran for about 15 mins to build a package
that is already installed.  If I were to work on the same damn thing,
repeating it all day, day after day, I would get the sack pretty
quickly. Just think of the useless load on the network and the servers
for all those futile downloads, etc.

I agree with you, that this is not ideal. But I also don't know why port
was made to behave in this way.

So tell me, why shouldn't I switch
to fink? At least Debian has a decent package management system, geez!

Uh, just a single bug or flaw gets you change to another system?

I know and admit MacPorts is not perfect. But be aware that there are a
few people working on the bugs you report. Ranting against MacPorts
isn't helpful at all to get bugs fixed - especially it's not good for

Please keep your reports specific and constructive. If you go on
comparing MacPorts with other similar projects, I would hope it is no
problem to say, "X is better at Y than MacPorts, because it does Z".

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Frank J. R. Hanstick

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