I've done a bit of work on vtk-devel to make some things in the installation
version specific.  I have not tested whether vtk-devel can co-exist with

All the work on vtk-devel was based on the default variants (cocoa shared
wrap) plus testing and examples.  Nothing has been tested extensively, and
very little has been done with x11.

If you have time to run the build and install, I suggest the huge variant,
or no variants at all will give you a default set of variants.

vtk-devel has the variants:
    darwin_9: Platform variant, do not select manually
    huge: provide cocoa data doc examples shared testing wrap database mpi
    data: provide example data in: /opt/local/share/vtk-5.4/data
    doc: provide doxygen documentation in: /opt/local/share/vtk-5.4/doc
    examples: provide VTK examples in: /opt/local/share/vtk-5.4/examples
    shared: build shared libraries (default)
    testing: provide VTK tests in: /opt/local/share/vtk-5.4/testing
    carbon: build with Carbon
    cocoa: build with Cocoa (default)
    x11: build with X11
    wrap: provide java, py26, & tcl
    java: java wrapper
    py25: python 2.5 wrapper
    py26: python 2.6 wrapper
    tcl: tcl wrapper (MacPorts tcl/tk)
    tcl_apple: tcl wrapper (apple tcl/tk framework)
    database: provide all database variants
    mysql5: build the MySQL driver for vtkSQLDatabase
    pgsql83: build the PostgreSQL 8.3 driver for vtkSQLDatabase
    odbc: build the ODBC database interface
    mpi: use message passing interface (mpich2) for parallel support
    boost: use Boost libraries - www.boost.org
    universal: Build for multiple architectures


On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Jonathan Stickel <jjstic...@vcn.com>wrote:

> I reinstalled vtk5 with the +x11 variant, and now the vtk rendering library
> is linked to
> /opt/local/lib/libGL.1.dylib
> However, I still have the same problem of textActors not exporting. Labels
> on axes export fine, though.  I suppose this could be reported upstream to
> VTK.  Maybe I'll try vtk-devel (vtk-5.4) when I have some more time and see
> if the problem persists.
> Jonathan
> Jeremy Huddleston wrote:
>> Interesting.  We were just talking about some vtk oddities in the
>> x11-users and xquartz-dev mailing list.
>> Check out:
>> http://www.ctcms.nist.gov/oof/renderingbug
>> Since you're seeing this purely in carbon, my guess now is that this is an
>> issue with either OpenGL.framework (which would mean it's in both Tiger and
>> Leopard... which I think isn't too likely) or with VTK itself.
>> On Jun 17, 2009, at 11:14, Jonathan Stickel wrote:
>>  I'm experiencing a problem using the GL2PS export feature of VTK, where
>>> VTK was installed via Macports (vtk5 @5.2.1_2+carbon+darwin_8+python). When
>>> I have a textActor in my render window, e.g. some arbitrary title or note,
>>> then that text does not show in the exported pdf/eps.
>>> I suspect the problem might be related to the OpenGL library that VTK
>>> links to, in this case
>>> /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/OpenGL since I am
>>> using the Carbon variant.  Can someone verify that they see this problem
>>> also?  Any knowledge about how to resolve this?  I am currently on Tiger.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jonathan
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