On Sep 2, 2009, at 11:49, John Korchok wrote:

> > I have a third party (not installed by MacPorts) php extension
> > module "libpdf_php.so" that I formerly called using the
> > extension_dir and extension settings in php.ini. When I upgraded to > > php 5.3 plus php-oracle and php-mysql, the installation warned me to
> > remove the extension_dir setting, or my MacPorts-installed
> > extensions would not work. I finally figured out that the new
> > MacPorts extensions were in opt/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-
> > non-zts-20090626/, so I copied my third-party extension to that
> > directory and also to opt/local/lib/php/extensions/, just for good
> > measure.
> >
> > Unfortunately, php is not able to find the extension in the new
> > location. I am not clear where I can install third-party extensions
> > now that I cannot use the extension_dir setting.
> /opt/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/ is the
> correct place to put your extension. You then need to write a text
> file in /opt/local/var/db/php5/ (for example libpdf_php.ini)
> containing the following line:
> extension=libpdf_php.so
> Or, I think you can put that line in your main php.ini if you prefer.

- I already had "extension=libpdf_php.so" in php.ini. That doesn't work. - I created libpdf_php.ini in /opt/local/var/db/php5/ and put the same line in there, but that doesn't work either. - I removed libpdf_php.ini, added the extension line back into php.ini and also added extension_dir = "opt/local/lib/php/extensions/ no-debug-non-zts-20090626/" to php.ini. That doesn't work.

It looks to me like the ability to add modules is broken, but I am open to further instructions or suggestions.

But the oracle and mysql modules you installed are working, right? They're not doing anything special; you can read their .ini files in / opt/local/var/db/php5/.

How was libpdf_php.so compiled? Did you compile it or is it a binary distribution? Is it compatible with PHP 5.3? Does the error log say anything?

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