On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 11:48 PM, Rainer Müller <rai...@macports.org> wrote:

> On 2010-03-05 19:09 , Tabitha McNerney wrote:
> > Hi all --
> >
> > I have what I hope is a simple question about ncurses and ncursesw. I'm
> > essentially wondering what the difference is between these two ports? I
> > noticed their checksums (for the source are the same), so why not just
> > combine them into one port?
> ncursesw provides wide-character support. But usually we want both, wide
> and narrow characters, thus we need to compile the library twice with
> different configure flags (--enable-widec for ncursesw). A Portfile can
> only handle one run of configure/make/make install, therefore we need
> two Portfiles for this.

Thank you for answering this question. It seems that this is a restriction
imposed based on how MacPorts were designed. If someone were to build
ncurses with both wide and narrow characters from the same single source
tarball, would they also have to do something similar with ./configure that
is analogous to MacPorts treatment of two separate port files, or would it
be feasible to just do this all at once?



> Rainer
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