
I've installed Digikam and consequently KDE4.  However no KDE apps
will launch.  They all exhibit the same symptom (bouncing in the dock
for a while and not responding).

I've followed everything about KDE4 and Mac that I can find.   While
googling I found this older post from the list:

     There's a bug in the way KDE4 is handled currently; I don't know what
     the correct fix is, but my current hack involves some launchd actions
     that create the necessary directories and symlinks thereto in

         ln -s /var/tmp/kdecache-$USER $HOME/Library/Preferences/KDE/cache-$HOST
         ln -s $TMPDIR/ksocket-$USER $HOME/Library/Preferences/KDE/socket-$HOST
         ln -s $TMPDIR/kde-$USER $HOME/Library/Preferences/KDE/tmp-$HOST

I have the first symlink.  The second and third  (ksocket and kde)
were there but were linked to non-existent directories.  Using find
from the terminal I couldn't find a ksocket-* or kde-* directory

What part of KDE should I possibly re-build via Macports to fix this?

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