On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 3:50 PM, Chris Jones <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk>wrote:

> >> This is a new 'feature' in 10.8, and is printed even if the user
> doesn't have any DYLB_<X> environment variables. I don't, and I also get
> this message. A bit annoying. Hopefully Apple will address it in a future
> update.
> >
> > Are you sure? What's the output of:
> >
> > env | grep DY
> Yes, I am sure…
> > Chris-Jones-Macbook-Pro ~ > env | grep DY
> > Chris-Jones-Macbook-Pro ~ >

The report is that it also traps on LD_LIBRARY_PATH; I suggest that that
check be

    env | grep LD_


brandon s allbery                                      allber...@gmail.com
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