On Sep 2, 2012, at 11:53 AM, Tim Johnson wrote:

> Greetings :
> I'm looking for a command line ogg to mp3 converter for osx.

I imagine that ffmpeg would be the best bet; it can do just about anything.  

There's an example of converting an ogg file to mp3 with selective copy of some 
of the metadata in the ffmpeg man page.

The command line options are sometimes quite non-obvious.  There are GUIs built 
on top of ffmpeg, such as the one at www.ffmpegX.com.  I haven't looked at them 
in detail, to know whether any of them would (like AIX's smit does when 
providing a GUI or menu-driven way of performing administrative tasks) offer 
the option of showing the command-line equivalent for future use.  And I don't 
know that any are in MacPorts.

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