On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 6:38 PM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
> On Nov 16, 2012, at 14:48, Daniel J. Luke  wrote:
>> If you have a bunch of modules that you installed yourself (not with 
>> macports) then you'll have to deal with them yourself as well.
> We usually recommend you not install perl modules yourself, nor install any 
> other software into the MacPorts prefix unless you do so using MacPorts. If 
> you need to install perl modules or other software that MacPorts doesn't 
> provide, you could create Portfiles for them and submit them to us via the 
> issue tracker, or at least file port request tickets and eventually someone 
> might create them.

I always use the CPAN shell. These modules that I erased by mistake I
think are pragmatic and/or standard distribution ones with the Perl
port. As I mentioned earlier I just wanted to cleanup the older Perl
installs. At the time I was unaware of the "uninstall inactive"
subcommand and I was cleaning up the old Perl modules by hand and I
thought I was erasing my CPAN installed ones.

It seems to have gotten fixed with all the suggestions above but I
can't say for sure what fixed it.

Alejandro Imass
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