On 2/20/13 2:16 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
I'm not sure if we have any software in MacPorts that can be used to filter
Internet traffic on end user computers, but there are several companies that
sell such software.
I found dansguardian in MacPorts.
> port info dansguardian
dansguardian @, Revision 1 (net)
Variants: clamav, ntlm, universal
Description: DansGuardian is content-control software: software
designed to control which websites users can access. It also includes
virus filtering and usage
monitoring features.
Homepage: http://dansguardian.org/
Build Dependencies: pkgconfig
Library Dependencies: zlib, pcre
Platforms: darwin
License: unknown
Maintainers: nomaintai...@macports.org
But I don't know if there is such a filter
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