On Sat, Dec 14, 2013 at 6:21 AM, Juhász Ádám <jad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> But cpp still a C pre-compiler and we all can agree, that it is needed for
> MacPorts, otherwise neither cc nor c++ would work properly, right?

It is included in both gcc and clang, and also included with Apple's clang.
It just isn't the abusable one any more; it is a *C* preprocessor, not a
Fortran preprocessor. And there is apparently an option to make clang's cpp
more permissive, but it is no more recommended than gcc's -traditional for
non-C use. (And I don't know if it is permissive enough to handle Fortran.)

I should mention that I work with another non-C compiler that similarly
abuses cpp --- and similarly broke with clang --- and am still trying to
cut through the misunderstandings and politics involved in getting it
replaced (we *have* a viable replacement already, just not the will to use
it apparently).

brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates
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