On 1/28/14 9:29 PM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
On Jan 28, 2014, at 21:15, Bill Christensen <billc_li...@greenbuilder.com> 

I need to install SOAP on a 10.8.5/Apache2.x/PHP 5.3.x machine, and I have no 
idea which of the variants to install.

It's for a FedEx plugin for WooCommerce. 
SOAP is not a program or a library; it’s a protocol for exchanging information 
between systems:


There are probably hundreds of different libraries implementing the SOAP 
protocol in a variety of languages.

If, for example, you want to write PHP code to use the SOAP protocol to 
communicate with FedEx or any other SOAP-compatible service, PHP includes a 
SOAP module.


In MacPorts, it’s not installed by default, but you can install it separately. 
Which port you use to do so depends on which port you’re using for PHP.

If you’re using the php5 port, the SOAP module is in the port php5-soap.
If you’re using the php53 port, the SOAP module is in the port php53-soap.
If you’re using the php54 port, the SOAP module is in the port php54-soap.
If you’re using the php55 port, the SOAP module is in the port php55-soap.

Thanks for the super quick responses, all.

I'm running php 5.3.28, so I installed php53-soap. Unfortunately, that didn't do the trick. Restarted Apache, nothing. Even rebooted the server, still no joy. Attempting to activate the plugin gives me an error that it "requires SOAP support on the server/hosting to function", with a link to http://php.net/manual/en/class.soapclient.php

Any further suggestions?

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