On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 8:42 PM, Terry Barnum <te...@dop.com> wrote:

> I'm having a go at installing freeswitch (VOIP server, www.freeswitch.org)
> on a 10.9.1 macmini and it has a half dozen dependencies that I'm hoping
> can be taken care of with macports. The freeswitch Mac wiki says to use
> Brew <http://wiki.freeswitch.org/wiki/Installation_and_Setup_on_OS_X>.
> I'm a macports guy so I want to see if I can get it working with macports
> and have them update the wiki.
> freeswitch wants libjpeg-devel for header files. The jpeg macport doesn't
> seem to satisfy this

It's speaking in Linux (Red Hat / Debian) terms, where headers and
link-time libraries are always split out into -devel / -dev packages.
MacPorts does not do this; the normal port installs headers and link
libraries. (A -devel port in MacPorts means a beta, prerelease, or testing
version. Be aware that these can go stale after being promoted to being the
main port, and if the maintainer doesn't require a test version for
subsequent minor updates the -devel port can be older than the main one.)

I don't know if the jpeg port is up to date enough, but suspect it is
because there are a lot of things that depend on it and depend on it being

brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates
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