On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 7:09 AM, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Oct 28, 2015, at 2:28 PM, Murray Eisenberg wrote:
>> OK, I'm trying to install p5.16-libapreq. Here's what I tried:
>> (1) deactivated all versions of perl5 except perl5.16 @5.16.3_1
>> (2) deactivate of mod_perl2 @2.0.8_2+perl5_20; uninstall mod_perl2 
>> @2.0.8_2+perl5_16+perl5_20
>> (3) install mod_perl2 @2.0.8_2+perl5_16, which gives configure failure:
>> :notice:configure --->  Configuring mod_perl2
>> :debug:configure Using compiler 'Xcode Clang'
>> :debug:configure Executing org.macports.configure (mod_perl2)
>> :info:configure Reading Makefile.PL args from @ARGV
>> :info:configure    MP_APXS = /opt/local/apache2/bin/apxs
>> :info:configure no conflicting prior mod_perl version found - good.
>> :info:configure [  error] Unable to determine server version, aborting.
>> :info:configure [  error] Invalid MP_APXS specified?
>> :info:configure Command failed: /opt/local/bin/perl5.16 Makefile.PL 
>> MP_APXS=/opt/local/apache2/bin/apxs
>> Now what?
> It's not interesting to talk about the mod_perl2 or p5-libapreq ports in 
> their current state because they're terribly broken because of this incorrect 
> assumption about there existing only one version of perl. They need to be 
> overhauled as previously discussed.

Yes, I agree, that's one thing, but ...

> If you must get them working in their current broken state, I believe we've 
> gone through this before; you could search the list archives or issue tracker.

I would say that he already did what he was supposed to do (making
sure that all instances of Perl and Perl modules use the same version,
5.16). So I'm confused why it still fails. In theory at least that
default configuration shouldn't have failed. He wasn't even able to
install mod_perl2, let alone p5.16-libapreq2.

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