> On27 Oct 2015 23:27:27 +0100,Murray Eisenberg <murrayeisenb...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 27, 2015 at 11:03 PM, Murray Eisenberg wrote:
>> After migrating macports from Yosemite to El Capitan, installing 
>> p5.16-libapreq2 failed during build its all-too-tamiliar error:
>>  Can't locate ModPerl/MM.pm in @INC
>> Following a recommendation when the same thing happened under Yosemite, with 
>> the reinstalled macports under El Capitan I did follow the same procedure:
>>  * install perl5 with a variant that corresponds to the perl version you 
>> want to use
>>    I think I got this right; I have:
>>        perl5 @5.16.3_0+perl5_16
>>        perl5 @5.16.3_0+perl5_20 (active)
>>  * forcibly rebuild mod_perl2 from source (i.e. "sudo port -ns upgrade 
>> --force mod_perl2") or if you have not yet installed mod_perl2, install it 
>> from source (i.e. "sudo port -s install mod_perl2")
>>    I did the force rebuild of mod_perl2.
>>  * install the p5-libapreq2 support for the perl version you want to use
>>    I tried "sudo port install p5.16-libapreq2", which failed.
>> Also, I note that there no longer seems to be any p5.20-libapreq2 port 
>> available.
>> How fix??
> If you want to keep using perl5perl +perl5_20, then you need to
> install mod_perl2 +perl5_20 and p5.20-libapreq2. I have no clue why
> p5.20-libapreq is missing and thin could be fixed.
> If you want to switch to 5.16, you need to install perl5 +perl5_16,
> then mod_perl2 +perl5_16 and finally p5.16-libapreq2.

The issue re p5.16-libapreq2 is solved!  After the migration, I had never 
activated a version of perl5 by doing "sudo install perl5 +perl5_16. Not doing 
that seems to be what caused failure to build mod_perl2 and hence prevented 
subsequent installation of p5.16-libapreq2.

(I do still wish a port p5.20-libapreq2 were available, so that I would not 
need to deal with the older versions of perl5.)

Murray Eisenberg                murrayeisenb...@gmail.com
503 King Farm Blvd #101         Home (240)-246-7240
Rockville, MD 20850-6667        Mobile (413)-427-5334

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