On Dec 15, 2015, at 3:06 AM, James Linder wrote:

>> [haycorn] /Users/jam [521]% startx
>> font_cache: Scanning user font directories to generate X11 font caches
>> font_cache: Updating FC cache
>> expr: syntax error
>> expr: syntax error

I wonder what expr invocation this is coming from.

>> xauth:  file /Users/jam/.serverauth.1323 does not exist
>> font_cache: Done
>> waiting for X server to begin accepting connections .
>> ..
> until timeout after 5 min or so.
> There are no .serverauth files.
> I’m somewhat lost. I fiddle my linux boxes very technically but this is all a 
> bit alien. Can anyone help me please?
> There is no /opt/local/bin/X but there was none yesterday when all was 
> working (only /opt/X11/bin/X)

Note that you can install /opt/local/bin/X and the rest of the X11 stack by 
installing the "xorg-server" port; this is effectively the same software that 
gets installed into /opt/X11 by XQuartz (so if you install xorg-server with 
MacPorts, you do not need to install XQuartz).

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