I’ve downloaded and installed the MacPorts version of the MythTV installer. 
Following the instructions for ‘Initial Installation’ I opened terminal and 
checked ‘echo $PATH’ which didn’t have the ‘/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin’ as 
expected according to the instructions.

After typing 

echo "export PATH=/opt/dvr/bin:/opt/dvr/sbin:/opt/dvr/lib/mariadb/bin:$PATH" >> 

and quitting terminal I restarted it and got this-

[Richard-Gregorys-iMac:~] rich% echo $PATH
[Richard-Gregorys-iMac:~] rich% echo "export 
PATH=/opt/dvr/bin:/opt/dvr/sbin:/opt/dvr/lib/mariadb/bin:$PATH" >> 
[Richard-Gregorys-iMac:~] rich% 
[Richard-Gregorys-iMac:~] rich% 
  [Restored Dec 16, 2015, 07:09:38]
Last login: Wed Dec 16 07:08:29 on ttys000
You have mail.
[Richard-Gregorys-iMac:~] rich% echo $PATH
[Richard-Gregorys-iMac:~] rich% 

Which doesn’t look to me to have done what I was trying to do. Is it safe to 
move on from here or did I miss something?

I ask because I tried installing on a mac mini where I downloaded mysql 
separately and also hit an impasse, so I thought I’d try my iMac (on the same 

Any help is appreciated, I am not a Terminal user for the most part!


Richard Gregory

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