On Dec 16, 2015, at 8:30 PM, Brandon Allbery wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 9:15 PM, Justin Vallon wrote:
>> Next, I would like to modify some source files, and rebuild.  Is there a
>> "port" command that would force a re-build and re-destroot?
> I think you can just "touch /path/to/Portfile".

Brandon, I'm assuming Justin has made changes to the source files in the work 
directory that he now wants to try to build. If he touches the portfile, 
MacPorts will clean the work directory and try again, wiping out the changes he 
wants to test.

Justin, MacPorts isn't really designed to accommodate that workflow. You can do 
what you want manually, by removing the destroot directory, and editing the 
statefile (the file in the work directory named ".macports.${subport}.state") 
to remove the lines that say the build and destroot phases are complete. Then 
repeat the "sudo port destroot" command.

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