On 9/24/16 4:00 PM, David Evans wrote:
On 9/24/16 1:02 PM, David Liontooth wrote:
I just installed gimp2, version 2.8.18. How do I run it?

I know it needs X11. I did a straight "port install gimp2" -- do I need to install X11 separately?

I the past, I installed XQuartz. Is this still a good solution?

I see the gimp executable in /opt/local/bin, but OS X doesn't seem to want to run it. This is on Sierra.

macports-users mailing list

The default build  is for X11 in which case you need an X server installed.  You can install either XQuartz or MacPorts
xorg-server.  Both come from the same code base but the MacPorts version is usually a bit newer.  In either case, after
installing you need to log out and log back in again to allow the server to automatically start up when needed.

If you'd rather not use X11, use gimp2 +quartz or gimp +quartz.  The gimp port installs gimp2 + an Aqua launcher app and
some extra plugins.  Look for the launcher in /Applications/MacPorts.

Thanks, David -- this is what I was looking for. I'm not seeing it, and these pull up nothing:

    port contents gimp2 | grep -i launch
    port contents gimp2 | grep -i '\.app'

I could install gimp.app, but it's version 2.8.2 and gimp2 is 2.8.18, so I'll just try to figure out how to start gimp2.

After installing xorg-server, I can start X11 (from /Applications/MacPorts) and then gimp is listed in its pull-down menu.

After logging out and back in, I can start gimp from the command line with


I see people complaining gimp is slow on Sierra, but it loads much faster than I've ever seen.

What I'm not seeing, though, is the Aqua launcher app and the extra plugins -- are they install options?

$ port info gimp2
gimp2 @2.8.18 (graphics)
Variants:             debug, gvfs, [+]help_browser, [+]python27, quartz, remote, universal

I just did "port install gimp2". Where is the Aqua launcher?


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