On 01/02/2017 21:06, Brandon Allbery wrote:

On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 1:42 AM, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org
<mailto:ryandes...@macports.org>> wrote:

    It looks like the port diagnose code assumes the path is
    colon-separated, but your fish shell uses spaces to delimit the
    different paths. I guess MacPorts would have to check what shell
    you're using, and then know how to parse each type of shell's idea
    of how the list of paths is represented.

The $PATH that goes into the environment must be colon separated, or a
LOT of stuff will mishandle it. Including the likes of
execlp()/execvp(). (Shells should handle this; after all, csh's $path is
space separated / a csh list, but $PATH in the environment is correctly
colon separated.)

/usr/bin/env shows PATH = to a colon delimited string

So I am not sure that fish is the only thing wrong here


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