First, let me observe that MacPorts 2.4 seems to be a really nice release: I 
got a whole lot of stuff installed on a "new" OS X 10.8.5 system with no issues 
at all. Kudos to all who made this happen.

I did run into a problem trying to install octave. One of its dependencies is 
qscintilla, and that one does not want to install. I am attaching the log file 
as I have not been able to figure out what is going wrong here. Tried 
installing scintilla by itself, no joy either.

If this turns out to be a fatal issue as far as scintilla is concerned, is 
there any way to build octave without it?

OS X 10.8.5, MacPorts 2.4, 

Thanks for any help,


Attachment: log.gzip
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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