On Aug 12, 2017, at 08:20, James Kulp wrote:

> :info:build /usr/include/signal.h:79: syntax error, unexpected identifier, 
> expecting ')' in 'void (* _Nullable bsd_signal(int, void (* 
> _Nullable)(int)))(int);' at 'bsd_signal'

An error in a file in /usr/include makes me suspicious that you may not have 
the correct version of the command line tools. Please try updating or 
reinstalling the version of the command line tools that is appropriate for your 
version of macOS and matches the version of Xcode you have installed.

On Aug 12, 2017, at 14:23, db wrote:

> In trac, there's a patch at https://trac.macports.org/ticket/51512 for 
> 3.16.0, which you might want to give a try.

The availability of an update for meld will have no effect on James' inability 
to build one of meld's dependencies.

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