On Feb 14, 2018, at 17:16, db wrote:

> On 14 Feb 2018, at 14:56, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> I'm aware of "cask" being a feature of Homebrew. If that's what you're 
>> referring to, what does the feature do / what do you want MacPorts to do in 
>> regard to this?
> Manage (and here the terminology gets trickier) more generally available 
> application bundles, from DEVONthink to ungoogled chromium.

I assume the implication is that these are application bundles that have been 
compiled and distributed by developers, as opposed to building from source like 
we usually do. We could certainly begin offering ports that repackage existing 
developer-provided binaries, though I'm not convinced of the value of doing so.

Generally available application bundles usually include their own autoupdate 
mechanism. If we were to include them in MacPorts, we would need to disable 
such autoupdate mechanisms, but it isn't always clear how to do so. For 
programs using Sparkle, for example, is it sufficient to delete the Sparkle 
framework from the application bundle, or will that cause the application to 
crash? Will it have any adverse effect on the application signature, if there 
is one? These might be answerable questions but I don't know if anyone has 
attempted to answer them yet.

>> We will definitely never offer a user-facing feature for building the HEAD 
>> version of a port's code.
> I still think the feature should be added, specially for devel ports, even if 
> it's not supported when problems arise.

Offering such a feature will give users a new way of shooting themselves in the 
foot. Even if we say we don't support it when problems arise, users will report 
problems, and it will take our time and effort to determine that the problems 
they're encountering are because of this. I prefer to use my time for other 

>>> LinuxPorts (analog to Linuxbrew),
>> What does this do / what do you want this to do?
> I haven't tried it yet, but I guess I could install the same or similar set 
> of tools using the same package manager interface.

If you mean *on Linux*, then MacPorts base does run on Linux, but there's 
probably less than two people who actually try to install ports on Linux, so 
you'll find a lot of ports that won't install correctly on Linux. We don't have 
the manpower to deal with all the issues filed by Mac users, so it seems 
unlikely we would have the manpower to deal with issues on less-well-supported 
platforms. If it's important to you, you can try it and help fix the issues you 
find. But there's probably not a great deal of interest because there are other 
package managers for Linux already.

>> I see a submission for rb-vagrant; is that the same thing?
>> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/43225
>> elasticsearch is in MacPorts.
>> The submissions of logstash and kibana are here:
>> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44824
>> https://trac.macports.org/ticket/44822
> I couldn't find elasticsearch in macports.

$ port info elasticsearch
elasticsearch @6.1.2 (databases, java)

Description:          Elasticsearch is a highly scalable open-source
                      full-text search and analytics engine. It allows
                      you to store search, and analyze big volumes of
                      data quickly and in near real time. It is
                      generally used as the underlying engine/technology
                      that powers applications that have complex search
                      features and requirements. Elasticsearch requires
                      Java, Java version can be up to Java 8. Java 9 is
                      not supported and Elasticsearch won't work.
Homepage:             https://www.elastic.co/

Extract Dependencies: unzip
Platforms:            darwin
License:              Apache-2
Maintainers:          GitHub: gerardsoleca
                      Policy: openmaintainer

> The submissions for vagrant, logstash and kibana are abandoned or work in 
> progress since more that 3 years.

That can happen. If you or anyone is interested in finishing these up so that 
they can be included, please do.

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