I have built atlas against gcc6, but have never bothered to build it against 
gcc7. For the reason: see https://trac.macports.org/ticket/52606

Using atlas is sub-optimal for macOS 10.11+, because of the way the OS kernel 
handles timing. Never mind, the new file system under High Sierra…

I no longer choose atlas variants for any ports.

> On Mar 15, 2018, at 11:56 AM, pagani laurent via macports-users 
> <macports-users@lists.macports.org> wrote:
> In fact, by using the +gcc5 as Craig suggested, I got the compiled libraries 
> straight away without the building.
> Perhaps it is not tuned exactly to my machine but for my purpose, it seems to 
> be fast enough.
> Laurent
>> Le 15 mars 2018 à 17:37, David Strubbe <dstru...@macports.org 
>> <mailto:dstru...@macports.org>> a écrit :
>> ATLAS just always takes a long time to build. It stands for "Automatically 
>> Tuned Linear Algebra System," so all that time is the automatic tuning. If 
>> you want a quicker build, use OpenBLAS or the built-in Accelerate framework.
>> David
>> On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 8:21 AM, Joshua Kordani <jkord...@lsa2.com 
>> <mailto:jkord...@lsa2.com>> wrote:
>> This package will take a long time to build, although don't be surprised if 
>> it fails on the first try.  I can never get it to work on the first try with 
>> default settings.
>> On 3/15/18 9:45 AM, Craig Treleaven wrote:
>> On Mar 15, 2018, at 8:29 AM, pagani laurent via macports-users 
>> <macports-users@lists.macports.org 
>> <mailto:macports-users@lists.macports.org>> wrote:
>> I reinstalled gcc5, both gcc5 and 7 are active but the result is the same.
>> I desactivate gcc7 but Xcode gcc takes precedence upon Macports/gcc5 even 
>> when I deactivate/reactivate the later.
>> I’m not familiar with ATLAS but I think you need to choose one of the 
>> variants in order to build it with another compiler:
>> $ port variants atlas
>> atlas has the variants:
>>     gcc49: build using macports-gcc-4.9
>>       * conflicts with gcc5 mpclang37 perf
>>     gcc5: build using macports-gcc-5
>>       * conflicts with gcc49 mpclang37 perf
>>     mpclang37: use mp-clang-3.7 and gfortran
>>       * conflicts with gcc49 gcc5 perf
>>     nofortran: Forgo use of fortran compiler
>>     universal: Build for multiple architectures
>> Perhaps try
>> sudo port install atlas +gcc5
>> Also, some packages can take a very long time to build.  Adding the verbose 
>> flag can give you more feedback as the build progresses:
>> sudo port -v install atlas +gcc5
>> Craig
> "S'il n'y a pas de solution, c'est qu'il n'y a pas de problème" (devise 
> Shadok)

Marius Schamschula

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