The 'platforms' field of a Portfile is currently
both _required_ and _ignored_. By the Guide,

        A list of the platforms on which the port has been tested.
        Required, but not interpreted in any way by the software
        at this time; it is purely informational for users.

Also, it is allowed to say .e.g. "freebsd" but not e.g. "openbsd".

I propose that the 'platforms' field be no longer required
if it is ignored, and if it stays, let it be a free form text,
as opposed to a predefined definitive list of all unixes.

Better yet, drop it altogether. The fact that I tested on Solaris
or Debian means nothing regarding the MP port. I have also tested
it on darwin of course, but that goes without saying.

(What would be kinda useful is if it pointed to the actual _ports_
on the other systems - often there are things we can learn, as they
battle a lot of the same GNUisms etc. For example, the patch for opus is basically
the OpenBSD patch for opus. So if opus 'platforms' pointed to
it would be usefull. Unlike now.)


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