On 24 March 2018 at 16:40, Andreas Falkenhahn wrote:
> On 24.03.2018 at 16:07 Ken Cunningham wrote:
>> Cameron Kaiser builds and distributes TenFourFox which is a c++11
>> app built with gcc48 against a new libstdc++.
>> He has worked a lot of this out.
>> His instructions are here
>> <https://github.com/classilla/tenfourfox/wiki/HowToBuildFPR#distributing-the-executable>,
>> and there's a script in the repo that automates a lot of it.
> Yeah, so basically he's just shipping the new link libs with the
> distribution which is of course something I wanted to avoid.
> Well, maybe I should just tell my users that they need to
> install gcc6 from Mac Ports if they wish to use the program.
> People who are still on PPC Macs are geeks anyway ;)

In that case, depending on usability, you could probably provide a
MacPorts package as well.

Sorry about the wrong advice about stdlib. Maybe that technique just
ensures the compatibility, so that the libraries linked against each
other won't clash and crash if one is linking against the system lib
and the other against the one from gcc7.


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