> On Apr 16, 2018, at 9:24 AM, Rainer Müller <rai...@macports.org> wrote:
> On 2018-04-16 16:39, pagani laurent via macports-users wrote:
>> Why do I get multiple occurences of the same packages when I run
>> sudo port list installed 
>> […]
>> xz                             @5.2.3          archivers/xz
>> xz                             @5.2.3          archivers/xz
>> yasm                           @1.3.0          lang/yasm
>> yelp-tools                     @3.28.0         gnome/yelp-tools
>> yelp-tools                     @3.28.0         gnome/yelp-tools
>> yelp-xsl                       @3.28.0         gnome/yelp-xsl
>> yelp-xsl                       @3.28.0         gnome/yelp-xsl
>> zlib                           @1.2.11         archivers/zlib
>> zmq                            @4.2.5          devel/zmq
>> zmq                            @4.2.5          devel/zmq
>> zmq                            @4.2.5          devel/zmq
>> Are they duplicated installations ? Can I remove the duplicates ? How ?
> https://trac.macports.org/wiki/FAQ#portlist

To answer your second question, I often run the following command to remove the 
older versions:

sudo port uninstall inactive


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