I gave caffeinate a try, and set my system sleep time to a more reasonable
timeout [30 minutes], but since smartctl isn't an interactive process [a
tsr?], the system never stays awake long enough to finish a whole test.  I
even added the -m option to prevent the disk from idle sleeping but that
didn't help.

I wonder why Apple doesn't want to allow the selective test range...?


On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 9:31 PM Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org>

> On Jun 26, 2018, at 07:32, Ubence Quevedo wrote:
> > Ubences-MacBook-Pro:ata uquevedo$ smartctl -t long /dev/disk2
> > smartctl 6.6 2017-11-05 r4594 [Darwin 17.6.0 x86_64] (local build)
> > Copyright (C) 2002-17, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,
> www.smartmontools.org
> >
> > Sending command: "Execute SMART Extended self-test routine immediately
> in off-line mode".
> > Drive command "Execute SMART Extended self-test routine immediately in
> off-line mode" successful.
> > Testing has begun.
> > Please wait 206 minutes for test to complete.
> > Test will complete after Tue Jun 26 08:52:02 2018
> >
> > Use smartctl -X to abort test.
> >
> > There’s no way that will complete under my system’s sleep schedule
> [three hour timeout for sleep] which isn’t ideal anyways.
> So tell the system not to sleep while the test is running.
> caffeinate -i smartctl -t long /dev/disk2
> For more info:
> man caffeinate

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