On Jul 29, 2018, at 12:24, Gregory Bonar wrote:

> I just installed Macports 2.5.3.
> When I try to start gimp I get the following messages:
> dyld: Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/libpng14.14.dylib
>   Referenced from: /opt/local/bin/gimp
>   Reason: image not found
> Abort trap: 6
> I'm new to Macports.
> I just typed 'gimp' on the command line.
> Can you tell me the correct way to start gimp?
> MacOS 10.13.6
> Thanks

libpng14 is very old; MacPorts moved on to libpng15 in September 2012 and 
libpng16 in December 2013. So either you installed these ports many years ago, 
and need to upgrade them as Chris suggested, or you installed them recently but 
then ran an ancient binary installer of gimp which overwrote what MacPorts 
installed; if the latter, then we don't know what all got overwritten, so your 
best bet is to uninstall all ports and then reinstall the ones you want.

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