YW. This would be a good addition to 'port diagnose' by the way, if
anyone wants to file an enhancement ticket.

- Josh

On 2018-8-14 05:26 , joel johnston wrote:
> That did it! Thanks Joshua!
> On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 12:23 PM Joshua Root <j...@macports.org
> <mailto:j...@macports.org>> wrote:
>     On 2018-8-14 05:13 , joel johnston wrote:
>     > jjohnston@sd-jjohnston-03 / $ sudo ls -alh / |grep opt
>     > drwxrw-r-x   11 root  staff   352B Aug 13 10:53 opt
>     >
>     > that looks good already
>     It is missing group search permissions though. Try:
>     sudo chmod g+x /opt
>     If that doesn't help, check the permissions on the other directories,
>     i.e. /opt/local, /opt/local/var, etc. all the way down.
>     - Josh

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