On Sep 9, 2018, at 23:21, Joshua Root wrote:

> On 2018-9-10 13:23 , Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> It is fine for ports to offer different versions to different platforms. Up 
>> to now, a "platform" was the combination of an operating system name, major 
>> version number, and architecture (PowerPC or Intel). It has been proposed 
>> that the C++ standard library should be added to that definition. Code 
>> implementing that has already been added to portindex. We have not yet 
>> deployed changes to the server to generate separate indexes per C++ standard 
>> library, and we have not modified MacPorts base to look for a different 
>> index on the server depending on the C++ standard library. We should make 
>> both of those changes.
> Oh sure, you can multiply the number of portindexes easily enough to
> reflect one more configuration choice. It's not a sustainable design
> direction though.

We're only talking about adding a libc++ index for 10.4, 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 
10.8. We're not talking about adding further indexes for other reasons.

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