> On 13 Aug 2019, at 15:31, Chris Jones <jon...@hep.phy.cam.ac.uk> wrote:
>> And all the ports are now the ones in my git clone. That is not what I want. 
>> Preferably, I would want all the ports to be the default ones, except for 
>> the ones I’m working on myself. Is that possible? And how do I get there 
>> from the situation I’m in now?
>> My guess would be:
>> - re-run portindex in the official tree 
>> /opt/local/var/macports/sources/rsync.macports.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports
>>  <http://rsync.macports.org/macports/release/tarballs/ports>
>> - run portindex in de nsd and unbound subdirectories of 
>> /Users/sysbh/MacPortsDev/macports-port
>> Correct?
> If /Users/sysbh/MacPortsDev/macports-port is a complete clone of the ports 
> tree, then you cannot avoid portindex being complete for it.
> In practise though, this is really not an issue. When you first ran portindex 
> it likely took a while, but that is only because it had to index every port 
> that first time. Subsequent runs will be a lot faster as only the changed 
> ports will be indexed.
> Likewise, working with /Users/sysbh/MacPortsDev/macports-port with git will 
> be a LOT simplier if it is a complete git clone.
> So, my recommendation. Stick with what you have now.

And the two ways this directory tree is going to be updated, git and port, they 
do not conflict? What if I do some git work in the nsd directory and then port 
updates it, aren’t my changes overwritten?


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