Oh, gosh -- our virtualbox port is so old and out of date I wouldn't even 
consider using it.

it should probably be removed, I guess. 

Do you actually have it installed? I am startled if so !


On 2019-10-05, at 11:08 AM, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

> Thank you! From the tickets you filed, it certainly looks like you did a 
> thorough job of investigating and reporting the issues.  Hopefully they'll 
> get to it reasonably soon, although clearly that's beyond your control.
> Given that virtualbox depends on it (at least if the vde2 variant is 
> enabled), I was surprised that it has such issues left unresolved.  But in
> https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch06.html#network_vde
> I see "At the moment this option requires compilation of Oracle VM VirtualBox 
> from sources, as the Oracle packages do not include it."  So I guess the 
> folks with commercial resources also just avoided that.
> Would it be a good idea, until vde2 is working again (not that it would help 
> anyone with the virtualbox port already installed), to have it not be a 
> default variant for the virtualbox port? (that's how I read [+]vde2 in the 
> output of port info virtualbox)
>> On Oct 5, 2019, at 09:21, Ryan Schmidt <ryandes...@macports.org> wrote:
>> On Oct 4, 2019, at 21:41, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:
>>> I see that kdelibs4 and xmms2 are ok now; thanks to whoever did that (esp. 
>>> kdelibs4, which is probably nasty to maintain).
>>> The one I have left that means I can't just "port upgrade outdated" on my 
>>> system with the most packages installed, running the current (Mojave) OS, 
>>> is vde2; a look at the log file makes it appear quite likely that's also an 
>>> openssl changeover related problem.
>> I looked into vde2 a few days ago.
>> It is not compatible with openssl 1.1, as you found.
>> There is a newer version than the one we have in the port available, but it 
>> is years old and is also still not openssl 1.1 compatible.
>> This has been reported to the developers. Their response was to change their 
>> code so that it uses wolfssl instead of openssl. They have not yet released 
>> a new version containing this change.
>> I tried to update the port to the latest released version and backport the 
>> wolfssl change. Just getting that patch to apply required me to backport a 
>> number of other changes as well, and I don't think I ended up with a 
>> successful build after that either.
>> In the process, I noticed a half dozen other problems with their code. I 
>> reported these to the developers. I was intending to wait for them to 
>> acknowledge and hopefully fix those issues and release a new stable version 
>> so that I could then update the port to that version but so far they have 
>> not responded to those reports.
>> https://github.com/virtualsquare/vde-2/issues

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