On Jan 10, 2020, at 03:34, Gerben Wierda wrote:

> If I produce a pull request and I’m rebuffed because of an error I make, I 
> need to go back to testate of the official repository before proceeding again.

I think you should reexamine how you are using git, because "reset" is not a 
git command I ever run in the normal course of my contributions to MacPorts, 
and you shouldn't need to either.

Here's how to use git:

Your fork's master should remain pristine. You won't ever commit to it. 
Periodically, you'll pull in new changes from macports/macports-ports into your 
fork to keep it up to date.

When you want to propose a change, you'll copy your master to a new branch. 
You'll add commits to that branch to do what you want to do. You'll push the 
branch to the GitHub copy of your fork and submit a PR from that. If a pull 
request reviewer asks you to make additional changes, you can just add commits 
to that branch and push it again. You can rebase that branch to squash the 
commits into one or a few (and then force-push it), or all the commits can be 
squashed into one in the GitHub web interface by the person who merges your PR.

Occasionally it may become necessary for you to rebase your branch onto an 
updated master, if master is updated in such a way that impacts your work (for 
example someone else commits changes to the same port you were submitting a PR 
for). (And then you would force-push it.) But otherwise rebasing wouldn't be 

When your PR is merged, the web interface will show you a button letting you 
delete the GitHub copy of your branch. You can then manually delete the local 
copy of your branch.

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