On Thu, 27 Feb 2020, Bill Cole wrote:

Just a quick side-track: is there a pointer somewhere to these obscure commands? It seems that I come across a new one with each new thread on this list...

Well, which "obscure" commands are you looking for? 'man dscl' will give you extensive instructions for dscl, and hitting tab a couple of times at a shell prompt will offer to show you a list of a few thousand available commands, assuming your shell has completion active and configured normally.

Which is exactly my point: a few thousand commands that are not mentioned anywhere except by accident. I've been a "shell" person for decades, and whilst GUIs are all very well I want to know what's really happening under the bonnet (ObUS: hood).

For example, "dscl" looks useful but this is the first time that I've come across it; what other gems are awaiting me, I wonder? And it doesn't help that the Mac's manpages are largely incomplete; I know, getting a bit off-topic for this list...

-- Dave

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