On 28/04/2020 06.02, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
> On Apr 27, 2020, at 14:15, macpo...@parvis.nl wrote:
>> i’m trying to do a macports localinstall portgroup github for downtimed but 
>> it downloads from macports.org, not github.com.
> It attempts to download from all locations, including GitHub and the MacPorts 
> mirrors. The file isn't on any of them because you've specified the wrong 
> values to github.setup.

For testing during development of new ports or updates, you can skip the mirrors
by using the following flag for the fetch action:

  $ sudo port fetch --no-mirrors

Note that this is a local flag that only works with fetch and cannot be
specified when the fetch phase is run as a dependency for any other action such
as checksum, build, or install.


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