> On Jun 5, 2020, at 12:22, Ken Cunningham wrote:
>> If we don't already have a section in the Guide explaining how to compile 
>> software outside of MacPorts using dependencies from MacPorts (i.e. by 
>> setting CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, PKG_CONFIG_PATH) then that would be a 
>> good thing to add.
> While I continue on my “try to make MacPorts approachable for common users” 
> rampage … wouldn’t it be cool if there was a simple shell script that came 
> with MP that did this, prepopulated with the macports prefix.
> It would set all those envvars, then call your command. Then you could:
> cd mysoftwarepackage
> usemacports ./configure
> usemacports make
> sudo make install
> Then you’d have all the magic of homebrew’s “it just works!” and still have 
> the package isolation of MacPorts.

Sure, there could be such a script.

I might suggest that, instead of requiring you to run each build command as a 
subcommand of that script, you might just make the script export those 
variables. Then the user only needs to run the script once per shell.

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